Distance Education Rebounds

Distance Education Rebounds

Distance Education is now 12.3% of all programs and up 7.6% in 2018 Social distancing, at least for now, is the new normal and along with it comes distance education. Each year we look at what the data is telling us for distance education programs. Last year, I suggested that…

The 13 College Scorecard Title IV Outcomes

The 13 College Scorecard Title IV Outcomes

Where Students Go Based on the Latest College Scorecard Data In our last post, we provided some insight into the IPEDS Outcome Measures data. The IPEDS Outcome Measures data was designed as a supplement to graduation rate data which has always been questioned as an effective measure for measuring student…

Decoding Outcome Measures Data

Decoding Outcome Measures Data

Breaking Down the Second Year Student Success Measure The IPEDS Outcome Measures data was designed as a supplement to graduation rate data which has always been questioned as an effective measure for measuring student outcomes. Outcome Measures is now in year two of its collection and provides a lot of…

Lower Student Default Rates – Calm Before the Storm?

Lower Student Default Rates – Calm Before the Storm?

Loan repayment rate data may trigger resurgence in default rates The most recent Federal Student Aid student default rate data indicates that the composite student default rates declined from 10.8% in 2015 to 10.1% in 2016, a decline of 6.5% and continuing a seven-year post-recession trend. In 2010, the default…

Visualizing Student Debt and Earnings

Visualizing Student Debt and Earnings

Leveraging Scatterplots to Analyze the New College Scorecard Data There has always been a symbiotic relationship between student debt and student earnings. As student debt has creeped up in recent years, there has also been a data gap with post-graduation earnings. The most recent College Scorecard data is a first…

Using AI to Break Down Head Count

Using AI to Break Down Head Count

New Microsoft® Power BI Visual Dynamically Analyzes Categorical Data Like fashion goes in and out of style, so do visual ways of exploring data. Several decades ago I worked with a visual called the Decomposition Tree from an upstart company Proclarity from Boise, Idaho to analyze multi-dimensional data. That company…

Hot Educational Programs in 2018

Hot Educational Programs in 2018

Econometrics Programs Show Nearly Triple Digit Growth I am delighted to return to the blogosphere community. It has been a few months since we have published a blog, but not for a lack of work going on behind the scenes here at Public Insight. You will notice that our blog…

Has Distance Education Hit Its Peak?

Has Distance Education Hit Its Peak?

Programs offered through distance education or what we might conventionally refer to as online programs actually declined as a percentage of all programs from 10.8% to 10.5% in 2017 and 2016 respectively. This was the first time that distance education has actually declined since this data started being collected by…

How Healthy Are U.S. Hospitals?

How Healthy Are U.S. Hospitals?

If we said that 20% of any industry was at financial risk, we would all be up in arms. However, a recent Morgan Stanley report citing that statistic was met with some degree of yawning. The report cites that 450 hospitals are at risk of closure and another 600 are…

How Long Should You Wait in the Emergency Room?

How Long Should You Wait in the Emergency Room?

We recently had a health scare where a family member spent over 12 hours in the emergency room. While she was not thrilled to spend so much time there, she did ultimately get good medical care. So what is excessive time in the emergency room?   Centers for Medicare &…

Will Voter Unpredictability Continue in 2018?

Will Voter Unpredictability Continue in 2018?

Much has been written about the increased polarization of America and its collective impact on communities. There were many surprises in the 2016 election and people are bracing for a potentially tumultuous 2018 mid-term election. Ohio, where I live, is one of the swing states. The average county in Ohio…

Free-Lance Economy Continues Upward Climb

Free-Lance Economy Continues Upward Climb

Moonlighting used to be a term that described a minority of people. If you moonlighted, you were supplementing your income. You either did it for extra cash or because you had to just to pay the bills. The freelance economy and the growth of the personal transportation industry alone have…