
Understand the latest in higher education institutional and program trends and benchmark institutional effectiveness against peers.
Screenshot of College and Career Insights module interface


Built on Microsoft® Power BI, CollegeView enables self-service analysis, benchmarking, decision making, and collaboration — all with transparency.

Degree and Program Analysis

Review the latest credentials and degrees awarded for market trends and recruiting.

  • Institutional and program analysis
  • Diversity by race and gender
  • Programs offered
  • Distance education (online) analysis

Institutional Effectiveness

Benchmark institutional effectiveness against peer institutions.

  • Admissions
  • Enrollment and retention
  • Financial aid
  • Graduation rates
  • Staffing and salaries
  • Financials

Student Outcomes

Analyze the institutions and programs with the best return on investment.

  • Student debt
  • Student earnings
  • Category segmentation (e.g. Pell grants, cohorts)

Dashboard and Report Filtering

Instant analysis review using any combination of sectors, classifications, and institutions.

  • AND/OR conditions
  • Keyword searches
  • KPI Indicators
  • Bookmark and save settings and filters


Generate reports automatically with pre-curated dashboard visuals and dynamically applied filters.

  • Customize hierarchy presentation
  • Sort visual tables
  • Export data to Excel

User Management

Deploy and manage application access and usage across the enterprise.

  • User roles
  • User groups
  • Team sharing and collaboration

By the Numbers

A wealth of data, curated and optimized for effortless usability.


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