Public Insight has added Glassdoor ratings, Indeed company reviews and ratings, InHerSight ratings and KPI tables to enhance employer branding and DEI analysis in the July release of our Insight for Work solution.
Insight for Work enables HR and talent acquisition professionals to instantly track and analyze employee satisfaction with their company and DEI initiatives and compare their ratings to key industry and regional competitors. These key insights help drive strategy and direct resource allocation to ensure companies are focused on attracting and retaining top talent.
Additionally, career planning and workforce development professionals can utilize the employer ratings and reviews analysis to help clients identify the best companies, regions, occupations and titles.
Glassdoor Ratings
Glassdoor company reviews form the basis for employer ratings, and enable Insight for Work to provide instant analysis on workplace satisfaction. These ratings can be filtered by job title, occupation, region, industry and more. For example, an employer could compare its ratings to other employers hiring registered nurses in a particular metro area.
Glassdoor® provides the “gold standard” for employer reviews. In the July release we report over eight million Glassdoor ratings for more than 100,000 companies.
Glassdoor ratings are summarized by seven categories on a five-point scale:
- Overall
- Career Opportunities
- Compensation and Benefits
- Culture and Values
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
- Senior Management
- Work/Life Balance
Respondents can also provide an up, down, or neutral response to the following questions:
- Do they recommend the CEO?
- Is there a favorable business outlook?
- Would they recommend the company to a friend?
Insight for Work captures the Glassdoor ratings data by employer and then aggregates it by industries (using both NAICS and InsideView industry classifications). Ratings are color-coded based on contextual comparison to the other selected employers based on report filter criteria.
The additional respondent questions are captured as percentages with a high percentage indicating a positive response and a lower percentage representing a negative response.
DEI Category Breakdowns
A Glassdoor company review respondent can self-identify according to several categories below, which then can be filtered in Insight for Work reports:
- Gender
- Race and Ethnicity
- Sexual Orientation
- Parent or Caregiver
- Disability
- Veteran Status
View a Demo of the Latest Employer Branding Analysis Features in Insight for Work:
Indeed® Company Ratings and Reviews
The July release includes Indeed employer reviews from individual respondents dating back to January 2020. Previously, this review data was only available in a summary format. Insight for Work captures the following review data and then aggregates it for further analysis:
- Employer
- Job Title
- Geographical region
- Date of review
- Individual submission ratings (e.g. compensation, culture, and work-life balance)
- Review text (Sentiment Scores)
- Pros and cons
The individual ratings are reported across numerous criteria including:
- Job title
- Occupation (SOC)
- Region (State, MSA)
- Employer
- Industry (NAICS)
- Industry (InsideView)
Sentiment Scores
While having individual reviews from Indeed is great for reference, mining the text through text analytics is even more valuable.
Sentiment scores reveal the extent to which the language expresses positive or negative sentiment. Microsoft® Text Analytics uses a machine learning classification algorithm to generate a sentiment score between 0 and 1 which we convert to a percentage.
Scores closer to 100% indicate positive sentiment, scores closer to 0% indicate negative sentiment. We can benchmark the sentiment score using all the same criteria as the ratings (e.g. job title, region).
Browse Reviews
You can also browse individual reviews from Indeed. The browse reviews feature also provides a word cloud image. The word cloud provides extraction of key phrases. You can click on any word in the word cloud to see the context of the words in the associated reviews.
InHerSight® Company Ratings
Insight for Work also captures company ratings designed to reflect what women want to know about employers from InHerSight. There are 17 categories oriented towards the issues affecting women the most such as maternity, flex-hours and equal opportunity for promotion.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Tables
Insight for Work provides virtually any form of analysis within a few mouse clicks by leveraging the power of business intelligence software. From any relevant data point you can drill through to view the detail. In an instant you can:
- Drill through to pass the context of the data point into other relevant analysis. For example, drill through from a specific region to see the job postings for that region.
- Drill down to navigate through the hierarchy of a particular category. For example, drill down through an industry hierarchy.
- Sort columns to identify the higher or lower performers.
- Apply additional filters to explore or isolate the outliers.
- Color-code results to immediately see how a category compares to its peer grouping.
- Combine multiple data sets into a single, relevant presentation.
The July release introduces Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tables to incorporate these concepts into a single presentation view. The KPI tables provide a quick way for users to drill into the detailed analysis they want. For example, you could look at all the regions in a market and then use the KPI tables to drill into more detail for selected markets. The Insight for Work standard reports include the KPI tables as well.
KPI Tables are available for major category groupings:
- Titles
- Occupations
- Regions (state, metro)
- Employers
- Industries (NAICS and InsideView classifications)
You can drill around to all relevant data pertinent to that category:
- Postings
- Compensation
- Employer Reviews
- Employer Ratings
- Supply/Demand
- Assessments
- Colleges
View a demo of Insight for Work.
Learn more about Insight for Work.
About Insight for Work
Insight for Work is a jobs and labor market analytics application for rapidly analyzing market trends without any database knowledge. Insight for Work integrates and optimizes data from Indeed® and Glassdoor® platforms including:
- Job postings
- Resumés
- Skills and assessments
- Job requirements
- Employer profiles
- Compensation surveys
- Employer ratings and reviews
Insight for Work generates actionable insights for a changing market by leveraging the powerful Microsoft® Power BI platform. These insights help drive your growth and targeting strategies, accelerate talent acquisition, analyze employee satisfaction of your company and your competitors and assess in-demand skills and future jobs.