My daughter has a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Cartooning and Illustration. Today, she is a quality assurance manager for a software company. I am very glad that her career has morphed into a burgeoning field because it was very clear to me that it would be very hard to get a job in her chosen field.


Program development requires a knowledge of the jobs that employ them. A “crosswalk” attempts to match up one type of database element to another. That is not always easy because jobs can deploy multiple degrees. A degree can result in multiple jobs and a single job can come from multiple degrees. In database terminology, it is what we call a many to many relationship.


We have deployed a crosswalk in Public Insight that matches up jobs by Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) to degrees awarded by Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP). To find which jobs are moving which degrees, we created a treemap visualization in Tableau Public , which you can access by clicking HERE. The degrees awarded need to be looked at proportionately and a treemap is perfect for this. You can select the individual job codes by six digit SOC code and see proportionate degrees to other SOC codes. For example, we plotted all managerial jobs which begin with SOC code 11 and find Industrial Management jobs are almost three times more relevant in degrees awarded than Computer and Information System Managers. To interact with the Tableau visualization, click HERE.




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