The IPEDS Enrollment by Major Fields of Study is collected every other year and 2016 is a new reported year. IPEDS collects nine major fields of study and the enrollment is disaggregated by attendance status (full-time, part-time), level (undergraduate, graduate), race, and gender.
There are numerous ways to breakdown this data, which creates a real kitchen soup of analysis possibilities. Today, we released an updated Enrollment Interactive that logically breaks this data down in bite size chunks. The Interactive curates over 94 million enrollment data points over a 10 year period across many different categories. This update is immediately available to subscribers of the Higher Education Interactive Library.
STEM areas are the fastest growing with Engineering undergraduate students up 8.9% and Mathematics up 7.7%. Education on the other hand is down 4.7%. Business Management and Physical Sciences are flat.
Waterfall charts are a tremendous way of looking at this enrollment as it provides a roll-forward of the data across the years by category. We examined the engineering enrollment growth in our video blog.