New Data Highlights Student Loan Repayment Rates

New Data Highlights Student Loan Repayment Rates

According to the Institute for College Access and Success, seven in 10 seniors (69%) who graduated from public and nonprofit colleges in 2014 had student loan debt, with an average of $28,950 per borrower. Over the last decade—from 2004 to 2014—the share of graduates with debt rose modestly (from 65%…

Distance Learning Growth Continues

Distance Learning Growth Continues

In one of my favorite videos of my kid’s era, Grover from Sesame Street taught us the difference between near and far. I don’t think Grover had in mind today’s high tech tools and social media interaction when he taught us this principle. Distance Education continues to be a hot…

New Violence Against Women Data on Campuses

A slug of new data has recently been released covering campus statistics on violence against women. This data was mandated by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) and is added to numerous other statistics required under the Campus Crime Statistics Act, or Clery Act. College institutions must…

The Top Graduation Rate Institutions

The character Bluto in the movie Animal House was famous for saying “Seven years of college down the drain”. This was on the heels of Dean Wormer’s pronouncement of his stellar grade point of 0.0. Given this performance, Bluto would not have graduated anyway. Thus, he would not have fallen…

Powerball and Endowment Wealth per Student

Large dollars tend to attract many of us. That is why the Powerball attracted so many people at the tidy sum of 1.3 billion. Yet the larger the number, the more people participate. Someone had the brilliant idea of distributing Powerball winnings to everyone in the country thinking it would…

12 Colleges with Sustained Enrollment Growth

  According to data collected from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 60.6% of colleges experienced flat or declining enrollment growth while only 39.4% experienced increasing enrollment growth from 2013-2014. This is also very consistent with statistics from 2012-2013.   College enrollment growth may be hard to sustain and…

Fringe Sport Participation

  In this Data Dan video, Dan uses data from the Equity in Athletics data set from Title 9 Participating schools to look at fringe sports at colleges across the country.  

Public Insight Integrates College Scorecard Data into Its Data Analysis Platform

Public Insight has recently updated its data analysis platform to include the addition of the new College Scorecard data provided by the U.S. Department of Education. With the addition of this data, users will be able to interconnect data from the College Scorecard database with information from sources such as the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), U.S. Federal Student Aid, and many others. Users…

Public Insight Launches Advanced Visualization Application

Public Insight is pleased to announce the release of Scout, its advanced visualization application. Public Insight Scout gives subscribers the ability to dynamically explore public data using next generation touch-screen technologies and visualizations. Scout is initially available on Apple iPad® with browser support to be available shortly thereafter.