Outcomes Insights
Public Insight generates college job outcomes data and insights to help colleges market their education value and ROI to students. Graduates and employers can identify college-through-career success paths.
College-through-Career Success Path Analytics Empowers Institutions, Students, Employers and Solution Providers
Higher Ed Institutions Boost Enrollment with a Powerful Marketing Tool to Target Prospective Students
College job outcomes data and insights is a new tool to enable institutions to combat the enrollment crisis. Now, you can target ideal prospective students with high-value marketing content on your institution/program based on prior graduates outcomes analysis. Insights can be narrowed down to specific programs/degrees, zip codes, job titles/occupations, professional and alumni network groups and more.
Higher Ed Institutions Improve Program Development Based on Real-Word Job Requirements
By providing the most current talent analytics data combined with education background, career, skills, publication and volunteering experience as well as networking/alumni groups and connections Public Insight is at the forefront of tracking what’s needed in the workforce of the future. These insights enable colleges and universities to be competitive and nimble by tailoring their programs to meet real-world demands for education and skills. Benchmark insights identify strengths and weaknesses relative to your competition. This also helps institutions better align with employers seeking specific graduates, and can improve on-campus recruiting efforts and relationships.
Prospective Students Understand the ROI of Their Degree and Institution Based on Real Outcomes
Students are more informed consumers, asking ROI-related questions such as “What will this degree from this institution do for me?”
(Educause Review)
Student behavior and expectations around college and program selection are changing. They are sharp consumers who search the Internet for information as a first step in their decision-making process. Institutions need to provide information that will help students make their decisions. There is nothing more valuable to students then understanding what tuition and degree ROI looks like from alumni who have similar education and career paths. Insights on compensation trends by institution graduates, degrees and job titles can be highlighted in marketing efforts.
Outcomes insights is instrumental for degree guidance as well. Students can go in a variety of career paths with any given degree. By understanding education and skill requirements, supply/demand and compensation trends for specific jobs and markets students can make better informed decisions on their education and degree choice.
Graduates Gain Guidance to Navigate Career Paths to Achieve Work-Life Goals
Just selecting the right college and degree aren’t enough. Graduates need help understanding the right career path to take based on what they want to achieve with work and life goals. There are so many job and professional networking options, and to provide graduates with a “leg-up” through outcomes insights is a competitive service that institutions can provide. Today’s graduates are also concerned about aligning their beliefs and views with the right corporate culture. Understanding a potential employer’s reputation insights can assist graduates in having successful and rewarding work experiences.
Employers Identify Ideal Job Candidates Based on College-Through-Career Path Successes
By understanding which colleges and universities produce top talent based on degree and education quality combined with career and volunteer experience and professional and alumni networks employers have an easier time of identifying ideal candidates to fill specific roles with success. New employees are a better fit and employers decrease recruiting and hiring costs and increase efficiencies. These insights also improve college campus recruiting efforts and employer and college relationships. Everyone works together to improve educator, student and employer outcomes.
Solution Providers Improve Business Development Activities
For solution providers that serve the higher ed market or HR/TA practitioners our targeted insights enable you to identify prospective clients in need of your solution. Additionally, by expanding your offering with our outcomes insights (via data integration, reports service or used in consultative services) you can generate new revenue. And everyone needs unique marketing content. Our insights provide deep and/or broad, relevant content to use in your marketing or account management communication efforts.
Competitive Benchmarks and Trends Over Time
Additional strategic value and uniqueness of our outcome insights is the ability to compare specific institutions or companies to each other and the industry as well as over time periods. This is an ideal way to guide the development of your market positioning. By understanding strengths and weaknesses you can identify opportunities for improvement.
How Does Outcomes Analytics Work?
“Harnessing data to address the enrollment crisis is part of a larger institutional transformation. This transformation is iterative and ongoing, and so stakeholders’ use of data must be similarly dynamic.“
(Educause Review)
Public Insight integrates the most current market data from public sources including LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and government publications. Then we transform it into decision-making insights for higher ed institutions, higher ed solution providers, students, graduates, job seekers and employers. These detailed insights identify and inform future decisions, strategies and actions based on analysis of college-through-career success paths others have taken combined with job market trends.
We offer flexible options for utilizing data and insights through data integration, analytics platform subscription, reports services or a combination of these.