Free Compensation Data and Talent Market Insights
Try out our free compensation data tool (no sign up required) to get instant insights on the talent market. These insights include average mid-posted compensation by title and company. We also provide fill days, total postings, open positions and more. You can quickly search for titles, locations, industries and employers in our sample widget.
Compensation and other talent market insights help you set hiring manager expectations, make competitive job offers, identify trends and find new business opportunities.
If you like what you see (click blue button below), take the next step and sign up for a free trial, or schedule a call to learn more.
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Try our free version of TalentView Snapshot to get instant access to free compensation data and talent market insights. No sign up is required.

TalentView Insights Delivery Options
We provide four flexible ways to utilize talent market intelligence based on your needs.
How Do We Provide Free Compensation Data and Insights?
We integrate and optimize data from several industry sources such as Indeed®, Glassdoor®, LinkedIn® and government publications such as the BLS.
We collect this data on a weekly, or as often as available basis. Then we aggregate and transform this market data into decision-making insights using leading business intelligence and visualization tools. Original job posting source data is easily accessible.
We are offering this free comp data and insights widget so you can easily sample our insights. We provide several talent market intelligence solutions and flexible pricing options for a single user to an enterprise depending on your needs.
Market insights are delivered through flexible methods such as interactive dashboards, reports, and data licensing and integration (via API). This enables practitioners and solution providers to understand key metrics of the talent market landscape. These metrics can be filtered by title, employer, location and industry over time periods. You can also benchmark your company against competitors or the industry.
Take the next step to better decision making.